
Who are the people behind Robinetto?

2 May 2019
We are doing something crazy, and we have to stop it. That is: packing water and transporting it.
Patrick Doyen, one of the people behind Robinetto.

This is Patrick’s story, taken from an interview in ‘Zwijgen is geen optie’ (Silence is not an option) Patrick worked in the beverage industry for more than 20 years, both at Coca Cola and at Spadel. In 2012 he decided to leave the sector. Six years later, he became one of the co-founders of 'De Leiding' cooperative company with limited liability. 'De Leiding' is a social impact company that wants to make the supply of drinks at events and in the catering business more sustainable. In order to reach a wide audience with their story, the people from De Leiding came up with the Robinetto label, and the website That's the website you are reading at the moment :-) Patrick’s story is the story of someone who decided to use his knowledge and experience about a system in order to change that system itself. But discover it for yourself below. Pour yourself a glass of water, and enjoy this interview (in Dutch):

This interview was published on Zwijgen is geen optie (Silence is not an option). 'Zwijgen is geen optie' gathers and supports the pioneers who are changing our world. ZIGO films their most striking insights and stories and spreads them in order to increase their impact. As a member of Zwijgen is geen optie, you do not lie awake because of world problems. You help solve them. Take a look at (many) more interesting interviews here (Dutch article)